
Kursk Clash of Steel (KURSK Edition)

Price: $425.00





KURSK EDITION (5 Signatures)
by Nicolas Trudgian

Overall Print Size: 33⅜" x 23½"
Edition Size: 150

Secondary Market

In July 1943 two huge armies clashed on the rolling steppes around the town of Kursk, 300 miles south of Moscow. The Germans had launched Operation "Citadel" to try and regain the initiative on the Eastern Front. It was to be an encounter of epic proportions - the largest tank battle in history. On July 8, 1943 the Soviets counter-attacked against the II SS Panzer Corps and it is this action that Nicolas Trudgian has magnificently captured in his dramatic and highly detailed painting.

In "KURSK - CLASH OF STEEL" a Tiger and other elements of the 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" clash with Soviet armor, while overhead the Luftwaffe attack at very low level. The Me1O9Gs of JG52 find themselves in the midst of this fiery cauldron providing close cover for the Luftwaffe anti-tank aircraft - in this case the Henshel 129s of SchGl armed with heavy 30mm cannon to hunt the Soviet armor. By the end of the day's fighting the Soviet III Mechanized Corps had been virtually destroyed. For another five days the opposing sides clashed at close quarters, but the Soviets withstood the violent onslaught to take the initiative. For the Germans it was the beginning of an agonizing retreat that ultimately would end in defeat amongst the burning ruins of Berlin two years later.

Adding great historical significance to Nicolas Trudgian’s authentic rendition of this epic battle, every print of "KURSK - CLASH OF STEEL" is individually signed in pencil by the artist and TWO Luftwaffe fighter Aces who flew on the Eastern Front during World War II:

  • Feldwebel HEINZ RADLAUER
  • Feldwebel ERICH BRUNOTTE

Every print in the special KURSK EDITION is also individually signed in pencil by a Me109 pilot and TWO tank commanders, for a total if FIVE signatures:

  • SS-Sturmmann ERNST KUFNER
  • SS-Oberscharführer WERNER WENDT

This edition may be the last opportunity to acquire prints signed by veterans from some of the greatest tank battles in history.

Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.